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Allow Access to Billing Console for an IAM user

By default, IAM users do not have access to the AWS Billing Console. To enable such access, the root user must first make a specific configuration change. This restriction is in place to enhance security and ensure that only trusted accounts can manage billing and account-related settings. Therefore, the root user must manually grant access by modifying the relevant IAM policies or settings.

Allow Access to the Billing Console

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using your root account.
  2. In the navigation bar, click on your account name, and then choose Account.

navigation to account

  1. Scroll down and look for IAM user and Role Access to Billing Information and then click on Edit.

access to billing information UI

  1. Click on the Activate IAM Access checkbox to allow access. Afterwards, click on Update.

billing access activation UI

Create an IAM Entity with Billing Permissions

  1. Go to the AWS Management Console and look for IAM on the Services Tab.

aws management console

  1. Navigate to Users on the sidebar and click on Create User.

user creation

  1. Specify user details, such as the name and password.

user details

  1. Set permissions for the user. Choose Attach policies directly and then look for Billing in the permission policies.

user policies

  1. Review your choices, and once you’re done click on Create User.

Next >> Creating a Budget and Setting Up Budget Alarms